Guia de Compras Celulose e Papel


Metso to supply tissue line to CMPC Tissue, Chile


Metso will supply a complete tissue production line to CMPC Tissue S.A. of Santiago, Chile. The tissue line will be installed at CMPC’s Talagante mill in Chile. The line will be started up during 2013. The value of the order will not be disclosed. This kind of production line is typically valued at EUR 20-30 million, depending on the scope of the delivery and the production output.

Metso’s delivery will comprise a complete tissue production line with stock preparation equipment and an Advantage DCT 200+ tissue machine including an OptiFlo II TIS headbox, a Metso Yankee cylinder, an Advantage AirCap hood, an Advantage WetDust dust management system and an Advantage SoftReel reel. The production line will be optimized to enhance final product quality and save energy.

The delivery will also contain an extensive Metso automation package including a Metso DNA process automation system for machine, process and drive controls as well as a Metso IQ quality control system.

With a width of 5.6 m, the new production line will produce 50,000-60,000 tons a year of high-quality facial, toilet and towel grades. The raw material for the new line will be virgin and DIP pulp.

The main part of the order is included in Paper and Fiber Technology’s third quarter 2011 orders received and the automation package in Energy and Environmental Technology’s third quarter 2011 orders received.

CMPC Tissue S.A. is part of the larger pulp and paper group Empresas CMPC, and is a leading tissue products supplier in Latin America with industrial operations in 8 countries of that region.

Source: PR Metso


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